Wayback Wednesday: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

The work of Charlie Kaufman is officially banned from my TV screen.

Anytime I am online and I see a thread or a post talking about the most artistic movies people have seen, or the most moving, or the ones that have touched them the most deeply, one movie I can always count on being mentioned is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004). Before last night’s watch I had never seen this movie before. So I girded my emotional loins and readied myself for a movie-watching experience I would never forget. Readers…I can’t even remember what I watched. From what I’ve heard and read over the years I assumed that Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind would end up being a movie that would change my life, not only inspiring countless rewatches, but inspiring my own career as a writer as well. Nothing could be further from the truth. I see WHY this movie is so beloved but speaking for myself, this is a movie that I wish to never again revisit in any capacity. 

Credit: imdb.com / Focus Features

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind tells the story of Joel and Clementine, a couple who after their relationship falls apart, they both undergo a procedure to erase memories of each other from their minds. 

From the beginning I should have known that this was not going to be the movie for me. It’s written by Charlie Kaufman who also wrote Adaptation (2002) which I found utterly intolerable. By the way, check out my review for that movie, here. All the elements that I loathed about Adaptation are present in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind including, a morose tone, a childlike grip on sanity and an overall air of pretentiousness. You guys, I think I hated this movie. It’s not bad at all, in fact it’s exceptionally well-made and I can totally see why it’s so beloved. I, however, was really just not feeling it. I don’t mind movies that are more serious, unusual and explore deep topics, but I still need them to be entertaining, enjoyable and engaging. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is none of the above.

I don’t think I like movies that make me feel like I’m losing my grip on reality or like I’m losing my mind. I appreciate bold choices and big swings but the overly pretentious tone of this movie is too much. I mean, look no further than the title.To be frank, this movie is up its own ass. Honestly, I wanted to watch a bad horror movie or something after this. At least than I’d be engaged and enjoying myself. I was so removed from what was happening that I just looked up what happened before the movie ended. 

It’s a well-known fact that Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind stars Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet but I had no idea of all the other actors whom I love that are in this movie! Kirsten Dunst, Mark Ruffalo, Elijah Wood and Tom Wilkinson! Watching this movie is like watching A-list movie stars in an artsy student film. The entire cast deliver expectedly great performances but much like Adaptation starring Meryl Streep, their inclusion couldn’t bring me to like this movie. Nor could the undeniably phenomenal performances of Carrey and Winslet. 

Duh, Carrey is a ridiculously talented comedic actor, but he’s also been able to deliver wonderfully moving and dramatic performances in movies like, The Truman Show (1998) and I Love You Phillip Morris (2009). By the way, check out my review for that movie, here. He is equally as mesmerizing in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind proving that his talent as an actor knows no bounds. It’s incredible the way a man who has brought so many laughs to generations of audiences is also able to break your heart in half with a single look. Carrey shines but even more so when sharing scenes with Winslet. This isn’t groundbreaking information but my God, what an incredible actress. She is transcendent. Acting-wise, nothing seems outside Winslet’s realm of possibility. The way she is able to effortlessly shift from one emotional extreme to another is a masterclass in acting. Now, because of the sheer premise of the movie I knew their relationship was going to turn sour which was so upsetting during the first few minutes of the movie. Carrey and Winslet are so sweet and adorable that I was instantly rooting for them! Then again, that’s a clear example of the  power of good writing and acting. We as an audience actually feel something when they break up. 

Director Michel Gondry also directed Be Kind Rewind (2008) which makes a lot of sense. Both the tone and artistic vision of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind are similar to that movie. But I was flummoxed to discover that Gondry also directed The Green Hornet (2011) which is just unabashedly terrible and clearly something he only did for a paycheque. Which, hey, no shame. It’s the movie-making BUSINESS so get your money where you can! You can just tell the lack of heart and soul in The Green Hornet though, traits that Be Kind Rewind and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind have in droves. I remember liking Be Kind Rewind but losing interest when the movie abruptly shifted from a comedy into a drama. Hmm, it appears as though both Kaufman and Gondry are artists whose work I just don’t enjoy and therefore should avoid from here on out. Kudos to the both of them though for making well-written and well-shot movies. 

Like I said, I completely understand why people love Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It’s a wonderfully-executed movie that clearly resonates with a lot of people. Truly, there isn’t anything I can say that is technically bad about this movie. Personally, it just isn’t the type of movie I care to watch. I may not have liked this movie but I’m certainly not one to yuck anyone’s yums so go ahead and enjoy! Who am I to judge, right? I’m someone who will valiantly defend Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003) until the day he dies. 

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