Review: Saw X (2023)

The alternative title for this movie could easily be “Wrong Queen, Mama.”

Look, I love horror movies but the Saw franchise (2004 – present) has never been on my radar. Not because I shy away from gore and violence, but because I know the series is convoluted as Hell. I watched the first movie the other night for the first time (the only movie of the series Iā€™ve seen) and yā€™all who are fans of this franchise are a lot stronger than I am. The series is almost 20 years old now with 10 entries and I was pretty bored / unimpressed with what is meant to be the best one! I did enjoy that infamous shocking ending though. Needless to say I was apprehensive to see the latest instalment, Saw X (2023). Boy, was I unprepared for just how good this movie ended up being. It may seem impossible for a horror franchise to reinvent itself in terms of tone and narrative nearly two decades after its inception, and yet somehow Saw X manages to do so with shocking satisfaction. Rarely is the tenth entry in a horror franchise lauded as being one of the best but make no mistake, Saw X is perhaps the crown jewel in this iconic series.Ā 

Credit: / Lionsgate Films

Saw X follows the Jigsaw Killer, John Kramer, as heā€™s desperate to find treatment for his debilitating cancer. On a tip from a friend he travels to Mexico to undergo an experimental medical procedure that is supposedly a miracle cure. But when John discovers that the whole operation is a scam to rob millions from desperate souls like himself, he puts those responsible in the latest of his infamous Jigsaw traps.Ā 

A large part of what makes Saw X so unique and sets it apart from its predecessors is that itā€™s a major departure from the usual torture porn of the series. The first hour of this movie is an optimistic, almost sweet story that shows the suffering and hopelessness of the situation John Kramer is in and showcases more of his sympathetic, human side. Itā€™s a welcome and interesting change of pace that not only adds a new layer to the series’ central character but is also a wonderful display of star Tobin Bellā€™s considerable range and talent. Those who watch the Saw movies for the excessive torture and gore will see a lot less of that this time around (though the movie still totally delivers on horrific, genuinely tense, nail-biting traps) but those who watch for Bellā€™s commanding performance of this iconic character will find immense enjoyment nonetheless. To watch a movie killer get revenge on the people who not only specifically took advantage of and robbed him but did the same to countless others, is an interesting motive that will make audiences enjoy the torturous traps all the more. Itā€™s perhaps the most humanized weā€™ve ever seen a fictional serial killer portrayed.Ā 

When compared to past movies in the franchise, especially the first, there is a stark difference in tone, visuals, pacing and storytelling in Saw X. The story is straightforward and told in a concise way so that there arenā€™t any superfluous characters, flashbacks or twists. Everything ends up getting tied together in a satisfying way that will have viewers singing the praises of John Kramer and Amanda Young, no matter how bizarre that sentence sounds. If this is the creative direction the Saw movies are going it almost begs for a sequel even though the ending to Saw X is more than fitting. Still, if an old dog like the Saw franchise can be taught new tricks like the ones that Saw X manages to pull off, fans both old and new alike will be begging for more entries in the future.Ā 

Who knows? If the Saw franchise can continue with this kind of quality they may just make a fan out of me yet. However, Iā€™m going to need some serious answers to multiple burning questions I have about the logistics of Jigsawā€™s traps. Have any of these movies explained how he affords all of this? Where he gets the money for the traps, the materials and the many abandoned warehouses? Where is he getting all this real estate on such short notice that is always tailor-made for his torturous needs? I would kill for a Saw movie that is just Jigsaw shopping at Home Hardware and taking meetings at Century 21 Real Estate!

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