Wayback Wednesday: A Quiet Place (2018)

I can’t keep quiet about how much this movie fucking rocks.

I remember when it was first announced that comedy actor John Krasinski was directing the horror-thriller A Quiet Place (2018), everyone was extremely skeptical. Even though funny man Jordan Peele had made his directorial debut the year before with the instantly iconic horror hit, Get Out (2017), there was still little belief that Krasinski would be able to pull off a movie as grim and serious as A Quiet Place. Not only did Krasinski more than blow everyone away, he delivered one of the most talked about, original, stunning, acclaimed movies of 2018. One that also spawned a sequel (with a third instalment in preproduction) and a prequel that releases this week! Who would have thought this exceptional entry into the horror genre would be the first in a wildly successful franchise? I am absolutely enthralled by this movie every time I watch it. I sincerely wish Krasinski would develop another gripping tale of survival and sacrifice like this instead of mediocre family fare like IF (2024).Ā 

Credit: imdb.com / Paramount Pictures

A Quiet Place tells the story of the Abbott family, a family fighting for survival in a post-apocalyptic world where much of humanity have been wiped out by blind but noise-sensitive aliens. Forced to remain absolutely silent, the family must be inventive in different ways to communicate and live their everyday lives.

Even now, six years later, Iā€™m still terrified to make a sound while watching this movie. At one point I had to put down my pretzels because the munching and crunching I was doing was making far too much noise. Thatā€™s how masterful A Quiet Place is when it comes to establishing a palpable atmosphere and a very real sense of dread. The way that with each watch the movie not only keeps you on the edge of your seat but your lips firmly sealed as well is a testament to how instantly bewitching it is as soon as it begins.

A Quiet Place commands attention. Even more so than any movie with emotional monologues or explosive stunts, it holds you in its clutches. To do so with almost zero sound is an amazing accomplishment. It helps that A Quiet Place has an intriguing premise and a fantastic opening that right out of the gate, grabs viewers with its tense opening scene. For super obvious reasons this movie does an incredible job of showing over telling and you have no trouble stepping into the well fleshed out world of A Quiet Place.

A Quiet Place is a perfect collaboration between director, screenwritersĀ andĀ actors. From using lettuce as plates to walking on sand, every aspect of this world is thought out, executed, and brilliantly performed. The pacing is just as brilliant. It servesĀ theĀ story wholeheartedlyĀ andĀ notĀ aĀ single frame ofĀ theĀ movie needs to be cut. AtĀ theĀ 45 minute mark I was floored to discover itā€™sĀ aĀ tight 90 minutes exactly. A Quiet Place feels like it could be an adaptation of a Stephen King novel. Itā€™s such a simpleĀ andĀ straightforward storyĀ andĀ therein liesĀ theĀ powerĀ andĀ impactfulness of this powerful movie. It could even work as a family drama without the horror, thatā€™s how good the performances and storytelling are. Itā€™s a story about how one family struggles for survival and is willing to make any sacrifice to keep each other safe. And boy does this family go THROUGH IT. They canā€™t catch a break at all! I wonā€™t spoil anything for those who havenā€™t seen A Quiet Place (but DEAR GOD go see it if you havenā€™t) but letā€™s just say youā€™ll never look at bathtubs or nails the same way ever again.Ā 

I think my favourite thing about A Quiet Place is that Krasinski stars alongside his real-life wife, the incomparable Emily Blunt. I FUCKING LOVE Emily BluntĀ andĀ John Krasinski. Both asĀ aĀ real life coupleĀ andĀ as actors. In A Quiet Place the pair play husband and wife and make it perfectly clear that theyā€™re just as fantastic as a fake couple as the are a real one. I need them to make a movie together in every genre! Together the pair sell so much of the emotional vulnerability that comes with a story as harrowing as this. My God, what a challenge a movie like this poses for an actor. Blunt executes all thatā€™s asked of her, everything from an intense bathing scene to the fear of not knowing where her children are to blowing the head off an alien with a shotgun, and does so exceptionally. Sheā€™s the best. The entire cast is remarkably expressive and effortlessly sell every second of this story with northing but their faces better than any dialogue-laden story could.Ā 

A Quiet Place is a movie that only gets more impressive with each repeat viewing. Like I said though, itā€™s also a movie that I feel I can never make any sound during. Which is such a problem for someone like me whoā€™s always crunching on something during movie night! With the upcoming release of A Quiet Place: Day One (2024) now is the perfect time to revisit this sensational movie. Itā€™s guaranteed to leave you speechless.Ā 

Have you seen A Quiet Place?

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